Tuesday, October 19, 2021

There and Back Again

The Big Hug

The big gathering of the Zoom friends has occurred. We feasted, toasted, danced, lolled, hiked, and were awed together. It was amazing that it happened. Our host made sure everyone was comfy. I got to see a part of the country I've never been to before (central Oregon and Washington, Crater Lake, Columbia Gorge, Portland). The weather was beautiful - no smoke, how is that possible?! I'm so freaking grateful!


Thrifting in Yakima, I found a basket for my mom's birthday and a little needlepoint turquoise pin/pendant to go in it! Here's a good image of a similar Norwegian sending basket. I am still looking for some history on this form. I haven't tried translating the painting on the rim yet. 


Perhaps you'd like some reading or a resource to share on nonbinary gender identities. This British person has you covered: What Does That Mean - A Guide to Nonbinary Identities by Fay Roberts. I consider myself supportive to the gender noncomforming among us and I found it a useful read. It's helpful to review since much of this stuff is new and takes practice. 

Morning Inspiration

This is a fun read about the author's sampling of various self-help morning routine recommendations. I love that she found something she can take away. And we're all relieved that it's not the early morning cider vinegar dose. More of EB in the Grauniad.  

Close and Far

Presbyopia is the stiffening of the lens in the eye during middle age. Focusing gets harder and the eye is stuck usually in far vision. It's why most of us eventually need reading glasses. More here. I've just received some wp glasses in the mail and it is such a relief to have a new pair that aren't held together with wire. Now I have: dedicated close glasses which I keep at work, dedicated far glasses for most of daily life, the wonky wired pair which are progressive, and two pairs of prescription sunglasses. In the future I look forward to getting some infinity distance glasses for landscape and star viewing. Some day I'll have a glasses cabinet. 

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