Wednesday, August 18, 2021


I highly recommend this puzzle. It is large and reminds me of my love for EG. We finished it this week. 

Professor T on PBS has a certain Gorey tinge to it. My mother said, "This show is British and weird and it makes sense that you like it." I know EG was American but he seems comfortable next to British murder fiction. 

There are wonderful clouds floating around northeast Kansas today.   

This is a perfectly good recipe for a one-pot farfalle (bowties) pasta meal. May they be forgiven for blaspheming the name lasagna. I alter it of course. I make it with veggies instead of sausage and omit the ricotta. I use real garlic instead of garlic powder. The last time I made it I chopped up a small eggplant, a large zucchini, half a red bell pepper, and half a large onion. Any of those amounts may vary and sometimes I add mushrooms. For me the pasta takes the max time or even a few minutes more to get done. Stir vigorously half way through.     


Monday, August 2, 2021


I remembered an artist who painted NM mesas, mountains and clouds as flattened pastel shapes in the 1980s. The name was something short and male like Mike Post. I was going to grill my h.s. friends in October about this but I have stumbled upon the answer: Doug West. He created a lot of work in the 80s and his posters were everywhere in northern NM. The color in the paintings is more vivid than I remembered. I think I was remembering sun-faded posters. If I had stupid money I'd buy this print now: La Tetilla Peak. Or maybe this one Afterglow. Or Cielo, or Heaven's Way. Clearly I needed to look at his art now.

A typo that deserves a special award is on this page:

This location is just behind Daiquiri, New Mexico, home of O'Keefe.

Nope! there is no Daiquiri, NM. I'm guessing that's auto-correct's reaction to Abiquiu.


Why can I not edit the blog list on the side of the page? That's new.

This story is high quality:

Also saving this tumblr link: Iceblink that reposted it.