Friday, July 19, 2024


Unlike last July, the monsoon cycle is happening in Albuquerque this summer. Not every day but often, there are afternoon thunderheads and then winds and sometimes rain. It cools things down and is such a relief. We even have some highs in the 80s coming up over the weekend. 

I went to the conference in Las Vegas for work. It had some good conent but overall was not much fun: temps in the 110s every day, casino cigarette smoke and I managed to give myself food poisoning. Luckily my gelato illness was brief if unpleasant. It was nice to have a big room to myself but the longer I stayed there the dirtier I realized it was. Flights delayed out of  Vegas and Phoenix, sitting on the HOT tarmac and waiting to take off was not something I want to repeat. Quite hellish in fact. So. Glad. to get home. I won't do that again. Maybe a conference in another city, maybe at a different time of year. Or maybe I'll just stick with remote attendance.     

The Danish has arrived! She's plunged into her new music-related job and busy house hunting. It looks like they've found a winner and now working on loans and so on before making an offer. What a gorgeous development for me personally. One of the people that makes me feel most myself and is full of ideas and beauty. Calloo! Callay!

Finished the 3rd season of The Bear and wonder if they've done all they can do there. I didn't like all the real-life chef cameos. Keep it fiction-y thank you very much. There were a couple of other cameos that stuck out too. I still love the cast and the emotional content and apparently I'm a sucker for a melancholy cooking montage. 

My midwest trip was good, and also awkward in spots. But we're all in touch and looking forward to the future, so it was worth doing. Went with Drummer to the naked swimming pond on a perfect summer day. I felt extremely pleased to have brought him out there for the first time. Collectively there was much gratitude for my spouse's drive to make social connections and love of naked swimming. Nod and I may try to visit together if they have a stray weekend to themselves ever again.