Friday, December 9, 2022

Pert Pose



Found in the wonderland of Gods and Foolish Grandeur. A favorite model of the artist Helleu, Marthe Letellier is portrayed here. I love the silly fingers as well as the big eyes/tiny mouth ratio. Her strawberry blonde hair is the focus of the first pastel work in the linked blog post. 


I went to the faculty and staff appreciation holiday party yesterday. This is an annual event that used to be held in the Chancellor's residence, now it's in a fairly generic events space on campus. This was the first time I made it, even though I've worked here soooo loooong (17+ yrs). I'm a little sorry I didn't make the effort to go way back when, just to have a look inside the residence.

The snacks were quality and I was surprised at how few people I recognized in the good-sized throng. Door prizes are always given out, it was fun to see some of those collected. I also learned that there's a new campus welcome center going to open in Feb. We had a potluck on Monday for our office crew. It's been nice, a little exotic, to be able to see people at work events. And of course not everyone attended and Covid is still in mind. Local numbers are low, so far I'm willing to roll the dice.  


I have been watching a lot of Trixie Mattel and Katya Zamolodchikova's video series UNHhhh. A woman friend said that she finds all male drag to be anti feminist. And I understand that position. But I am putty in the hands of a talented drag performer. I think part of it is that a drag persona is a monster woman. It's not necessarily a denigration of the feminine but an exaggeration/dramatization that results in an uncanny clown entity. Thwoorp!  

1 comment:

amenaneri said...

Well, I'm always a sucker for strawberry blonde hair! Cool drawings!

I don't know about drag being anti-feminist. I think it's definitely a form of clowning, and also a form of self-expression of a particular flavor of "feminine" that's empowering for people. And there are a lot of flavors of drag, but it's interesting that most seem to be in the "pool" of exaggerated makeup, physical attributes, performative humor and bawdiness. At least for performances. Anyway, it's such a specialized expression of "feminine" that I don't think it threatens "woman" as a construct. I'm such a live and let live believer, though, that I hate the haters. I'm only judgemental about people who are judgemental!