Friday, September 6, 2024


This week started out very sleepy and a bit resentful. The September I craved had finally arrived and the cooler temperatures started even the week before that. But I was not feeling zippy and happy - how dare?! I felt allergy-y (ragweed?) and sleepy during the day. I went to bed early on Wed night and that seems to have helped me turn the corner. I am noticing the changing light - in the morning it's darker longer and I want to sleep in. Must remember that I have a brain switch there. 

Trixie and Katya last night in Albuquerquois - what an absurd and delightful experience. I almost wish they had a guest but then again was glad to see their on stage reunion after Trixie's sabbatical this summer. Hilarious to hear what other hard working drag queens think of their "act." "That thing you do" is about right. They are both so smart and so stupid in the best way possible. 

Speaking of stupid, a favorite dumb ball ricochet game is back on my phone. It had chimes I like and keeps me humble. It reminds me a bit of pachinko now that I think about it. 

Will I finish the 1931 Russian novel The Little Golden Calf? Hard to say.

I have a walking date next week to which I am going to bring fancy homemade sandwiches. I think I'm fixating on the sandwiches as I am not sure what to expect otherwise.  

Crows croaking in our neighborhood this morning. Very autumnal, thanks, birds.      

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