Wednesday, April 19, 2023

In the Chute

The half-sweet iced mocha in the Albuquerque airport was extremely delicious. But that night I lay awake obsessed with all the packing yet to be done and knew I had sabotaged myself. I will honor the rule and drink my coffee before noon. 

We are moving toward the May 3 closing date on the ABQ house. We should be on our way next Tuesday before the KS closing on April 26. We have a place to stay in between and I have gabapentin for the cat although it is still unknown if that will help. I'm going today to buy a harness so we'll have more of a handle to catch him by. 

I'm returning library books and sorting and trying to do the things that a reasonable person would do in this situation. I don't feel very reasonable. The more stressed I get, the dumber I am. 

The only way out is through. So here we go. 

Less by Greer and When I'm Gone, Look For Me in the East by Barry are both very much worth your time. It was good to hear from the book group that the Quan Barry book is worthwhile, even for people who aren't already super intrigued by Tuvan throat singing and Mongolian herder culture. Less manages to be about a midlife crisis and yet still be spare and kind and funny. I'm supposed to be reading Tremblay's The Pallbearers Club for another group. But I think that has to give way to the move. Maybe later. 

We visited a bookstore on the west side: Books on the Bosque. It has a nice collection of new and used books in a sunny building. I'm going to keep an eye on their events calendar. Ah, the future of being done with moving is dancing on the horizon.       


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